Getting Creative to Find a Mentor

John Krautzel
Posted by in Accounting, Auditing & Tax

Whether you are looking to get ahead in your accounting job or want to take the entrepreneurial path, a mentor can provide wisdom and guidance that can help you perform better and get farther faster. Though finding a person with the right mix of skills, insight, and availability can be something of a challenge, it's not an impossible task. Use these four tips to locate the perfect mentor for you:


  1. Before you start knocking on office doors, prepare yourself first. Finding a mentor is a bit like looking for a spouse. You should have some idea about what you want, what your short- and long-term goals are, and the key areas you feel you need the most help and support. It's also a good idea to figure how you will work with the person. Will you meet with the advisor once a week for lunch to discuss pressing issues? Do you want to shadow the person to see how he or she handles various situations? This exercise can help you understand what you want to get out of the relationship as well as help your advisor determine how best to assist you.


  1. Once you have an idea of what you want in a mentor and a strategy for working with the person, it's time to go in search of an advisor. If you work for a company, a good place to start is with the human resources department. Many companies already have programs in place for mentoring workers and can match you with someone in your area of accounting. Even if your company doesn't have an existing program, the HR representative can help identify possible matches based on your criteria.


  1. There are numerous resources available dedicated to helping entrepreneurs start and build businesses, and this includes mentorship programs. The SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives) Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to matching entrepreneurs to mentors. Founded in 1964, the association has local chapters filled with volunteers willing to share their expertise in their particular industry. This is a great place to go to find someone in your field to guide you.


  1. Another option for finding a mentor is to contact a trade association for accountants such as CPAmerica International. Trade associations are designed to bring professionals together and, as such, are excellent places to find someone with experience mentoring workers or entrepreneurs in the business. If you don't already belong to a trade association, search online to find one in your area.


A mentor can help steer you down the right path in your career or business with advice that helps you make the most of your opportunities and steer clear of pitfalls. Take time to select an advisor you respect and who will help you achieve your goals.


(photo courtesy of Stuart Miles / 


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